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Why Gonzo’s Closet ???

Gonzo’s Closet is an idea that’s been brewing inside of me, but I didn’t know how to wrap my head around what it was. Gonzo’s Closet is a project about pet health and products to support them. It’s about time that I got this out on the web so the world can enjoy our journey and learn. So many people have fears when it comes to these topics, Gonzo said that we needed to help clear the FEAR.

Over the years we gained a lot of experiences (both in the classroom & in emergencies).

Our Animals Teach us so Much.

Our cast of characters is always into some form of trouble. This leads to an interesting list of things we learn and have stored in our closets (mental & physical). They say our animals are the best teachers and I have to agree. Our holistic health journey began because of my dogs. I never thought about how my decisions influenced them so much. I had to be the gatekeeper to our home. We know you will learn from our stories (btw I’m no English language expert, so expect some grammatical errors.)

In our learning, we may have answered some of your big questions. Scroll on thru and see where our adventures too us. Feel free to comment and reach out to ask questions.

I must preface to say that we are unlike most pet parents. We choose products that are outside of the traditional box. Many veterinary products have their place and we have tried some but have decided to align with the highest quality ingredients. My training, research, and desire to get to the root cause have led to my decision-making and this blog. If we are like you, thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to reach out and connect with us by hitting the buttons up top. We are not like other blogs, we refer you to products we actually use and recommend (not just get a commission off of). We do have affiliate links to products and programs that we have used or highly trust.

Topics we hope to explore:

  • Essential oils for animals (no they are not going to kill your cat/dog/imaginary friends)
  • Fleas and Tick Holistic Pet care Products we can’t live without
  • Nutrition for our animals
  • Supplements for our animals
  • Random stories
  • Funny things the critters do
  • Life’s Adventures
  • What happens behind closed doors
  • Things no-one knew they should probably learn
  • Way too much sarcasm and one-liners

Things I have to say:

Some blogs may contain affiliate links. Additionally, remember that I am not a doctor and any health statements must be verified by your doctor. These experiences are ours and yours may be different.

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